Explore Data Sources

Access the directory of real-time data sources available for public use. Filter through various categories, industries, or data types to find the streams most relevant to your use case.

Step 1: Navigate to Data Sources

Once logged in, from the home page, locate the data sources tab on the top menu and click on it. This section contains all publicly available real-time data feeds.

Step 2: Filter Data Sources

On the Data Sources page, you can use the filter options on the left side to narrow down the type of data source you're interested in:

  • Category: choose from categories such as Web and Tech, Finance, Sports, and more.

  • Data Format: Filter by data format, such as JSON, CSV, etc.

  • Data Frequency: Choose based on how often the data is updated, like hourly, daily, or live streams.

  • Data Provider: Filter by specific data providers if you are looking for a particular organisation or company's dataset.

Step 3: View Data Source Details

Click on any listed data source to view more details. On the data source page, you will see information like:

  • Feed Name: The name of the data source.

  • Description: A brief overview of the type of data provided.

  • Topic: The specific Kafka topic that contains data.

  • Connection Details: Important connection information such as bootstrap.servers, security protocols, etc, needed to connect your application to the data source.

Step 4: Use the Data Source in Your Application

RDx feeds provide 2 sets of connection details, for operational applications a set of Kafka connection details is provided that can be copied, as appropriate, into your applications.

For analytical applications we provide a command to be executed in Streambased powered tooling:

The easiest place to use this is in Streambased A.S.K. See the tutorials here for more information.

Last updated