Connect a Python Application (SQL Alchemy) to Streambased A.S.K.

The Python programming language has a number of powerful libraries like Pandas for data manipulation and analytics workloads. Let's add some real-time data.


  • An active Streambased Cloud account, sign up or log in here

  • A Python installation with the following extra packages:

    • sqlalchemy-trino

Step 1: Fetch your login credentials

Access to Streambased Cloud is managed via API-keys, you can create one for you new connection here

With sqlalchemy you will use your public key as the database username and your secret key as the database password. Make a note of these for Step 2.

Step 2: Create a python application

The following sample code show how to integrate python with Streambased cloud:

import sqlalchemy

from sqlalchemy as db
username='[public key from step 1]'
password='[secret key from step 1]'
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(f"trino://{username}:{password}",
                       connect_args ={"http_scheme":"https", "schema":"streambased"})

conn = engine.connect() 
query = "select * from purchases limit 100"
exe = conn.execute(query) 
result = exe.fetchmany(5) 

Step 3: Experiment

Change the query variable to execute different statement in your python environment

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