Streambased A.S.K.

Streambased Analytics Service for Kafka (A.S.K.) is a SQL based analytics service for Apache Kafka compatible data streaming platforms. No complex setups, no cost and no data movement is required to connect to Streambased A.S.K.

Before using A.S.K. make sure that the following preconditions are met:

  • Ensure your Kafka instance is publicly accessible and configured for your needs.

  • Set up your Schema Registry to use TopicNameStrategy.

  • Verify that your data is formatted correctly using either JsonSchema or Avro.

  • To ensure the smooth evolution of table structures in A.S.K. we support backwards (the default) and backwards transitive compatibility types.

To get started and connect your applications to A.S.K. check out the tutorials here.

Streambased A.S.K. is the same as Streambased Enterprise but does not benefit from Streambased's high performance acceleration technology. For a performance boost try Streambased Enterprise for up to 100x faster queries. For managed accelerated solutions please contact us.

Last updated